Since 2005, Grime Fighters of Tampa Bay has delivered top-tier exterior cleaning services for homes and businesses. We’ve served over 5,000 satisfied clients with our expertise in pressure washing, soft washing, and paver sealing. Our commitment to quality, professionalism, and customer service ensures your property looks its absolute best. Whether it’s a sparkling driveway or a pristine commercial façade, we have the knowledge and tools to get the job done right. Experience the difference of a cleaner, brighter property with Grime Fighters!
Your home deserves to shine! Our residential exterior cleaning services remove dirt, mold, and stains, protecting and enhancing your property’s appearance. We offer Pressure Washing, Soft Washing, Low-Pressure Roof Cleaning, and Paver Cleaning & Sealing to keep your home looking its best.
Our commercial services ensure a spotless exterior for high-traffic areas. We provide Hot Water Pressure Washing, Soft Washing, Low-Pressure Roof Cleaning, and Paver Cleaning & Sealing for apartment complexes, office parks, shopping plazas, and industrial spaces.
“My roof and pavers have never looked this clean. Five stars!”
“Excellent work and great customer service. Worth every penny.”
“They removed years of dirt from my home’s exterior. Fantastic job!”
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact form.
Contacting Grime Fighters of Tampa Bay, Inc. is easy—simply give us a call or fill out our online form. Our friendly team is here to assist with any questions and help schedule your next cleaning service!
Address: 1222 Range Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33765, United States
Call us at +1 727 692-6600
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